M. Wu Nanfang on Song Mountain (Photos)

Veena Schlegel took these photos while I was shooting the film 'Master Wu Nanfang on Song Mountain', in which the Master practices some amazing forms perched precariously on a mountain crag, and also does some calligraphy, an art which uses the same skill and presence as Kung Fu itself.

watch the film

1 using the hoe in a kungfu movement.
2 setting the scene
3 Screen-Shot-2013-06-17-at-14.49.50
4 back to the school
5 Zhongue Maio a Taoist temple
6 close up
7 filming in the snow at the kungfu school
8 calligraphy
9 a finished piece of calligraphy
10 Master WuNanfang and Tian De
11 Screen-Shot-2013-06-17
20 iconic-photos-053
21 early morning filming with Ibo
22 way up high
22a dangerous moves
23 wu nan fang
24 wu nan fang
25 meditating on the mountain
26 the master on the path

Photos by Veena – 3booksblog.wordpress.com